Sunday, November 30

Where's Fast Freddie?

Speculations, and rumour, on the Internet, “Where is Fast Freddie?” The question has remained unanswered for a decade.

All can now be revealed; our man is found.

Where would a New Town Soul man go, the fastest bricklayer in all the northern hemisphere. Our man has been repairing the Great Wall of China.

The Big Palooka lays bricks with the deftness of prestidigitation, eleven million of them. Hordes of Chinese labourers gather around him each day. Clinton, Bush, Blair they have been to him.
As Bush remarked “ Once yuh seen a wall, yuh seen them all them walls.”

Each day at four his fans gather round him. The cries come forth, a chant begins, “Fleddie, Fleddie, Fleddie”, as if it were live at the El Fabuloso all over again, “Fleddie, Fleddie, Fleddie.”

The Big Palooka rises again in spite of the cold. Jumps astride his mortar board and sings, “Hey dad I’m back on the tools again”. The crowd roar for more, no Chinese take away was ever as good. New Town Soul is far flung.

The Big Palooka is coming and he’ll still be “Diggin’ on James Brown”.

Friday, November 28

Meet the band

Melanie Lewis : Backing vocals who has been part of the team since day 1

Adrian Bax White : Drums

Snake Davis : Sax

Martin Taylor MBE : Guitar